Geek Cover

25 Nov: Dear Michelle: Diary of a Geek

Dear Michelle, I am writing to you to see if you can help me figure out where to go in my life. I don't know what to do with myself. I have said I want to be more social, get girlfriend, etc. to my social worker, but half the time...

Lie Detector Cover

25 Nov: How to Become a Human Lie Detector

Deceiver, dissembler Your trousers are alight From what pole or gallows Do they dangle in the night? - William Blake, "The Liar" …Or in other words, “Liar, liar pants on fire.” Would you like to be a human lie detector? If so, then you need to be very observant of...

Man Without a Plan Cover2

25 Nov: Dear Michelle: A Man Without a Plan

Dear Michelle, Hello! I am writing to you to see if you can help me read between the lines. I am 43 years old and am currently in jail. I’ve been coming here quite often over the past several years. I have a drug problem. Another problem I have is...

Hear no Evil Cover

25 Nov: Dear Michelle: Hear no Evil

Dear Michelle, Greetings! I greatly enjoy reading your article every week. I was hoping you could take a look at the enclosed sample of handwriting. The man who wrote this, my father, is sort of a mystery to me. He left my mother, my brother, sister, and me eight years...

Jack the Ripper Cover

25 Nov: Jack the Ripper – Behind the Mystery

Was “Jack the Ripper” really “Frank the Ripper”? Recently, The History Channel explored the findings from my book, “Sex, Lies and Handwriting” on a special about London’s most notorious serial killer. On the segment, I explained why newly discovered physical handwriting evidence points to an American Indian herb doctor named...

Slim Down Cover

23 Nov: Dear Michelle: Slim Down

Dear Michelle, When I was in high school I was 5’2" and weighed more than 300 pounds. In college, I made a conscious effort to reduce my girth. I went on a supervised liquid fast program and by the time I graduated, I had lost more than half my body...

Moving Forward Cover

23 Nov: Dear Michelle: Moving Forward

Dear Michelle, I'm constantly being told that my writing is strange. I'm right handed though the writing appears to be written by someone left handed. I'm 26-years old, working two jobs, separated and raising a young child. I'm kind of depressed and have been that way for as long as...

Crockefeller Cover

23 Nov: How to Spot a Crockefeller

The 47-year-old man who called himself “Clark Rockefeller,” made the news after he kidnapped his seven year old daughter following a nasty divorce. Clark Rockefeller was really a German-born con artist named Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter. He entered the US as an exchange student, used at least four aliases and ran...